Welcome to Asbury
Whether you are brand new to Asbury or even brand new to church, we want to say Welcome! Our hope at Asbury is to create a meaningful experience where you and your family encounter Jesus through worshiping and sharing with others.
Here is what to expect:
You will receive a warm welcome as you come into the building. We have greeters who will help guide you to where you want to go and answer questions you may have. We offer two worship services including an 8:30 A.M. (Traditional Service) and a 10:30 A.M. (Contemporary Service).
On the first Sunday of each month, we celebrate Holy Communion which is open to all. At Asbury, we recognize our responsibility to the less fortunate persons in our midst. On Communion Sunday we collect canned foods and other items for the less fortunate to be given to Community Ministries for distribution.
Christian education classes are held for ages pre-school through adults. These Sunday classes are held during the 9:30 hour. Kindergarten through Fifth Graders meet on the second floor of the Education Building during the 9:30 hour. We invite Kindergartneners - 5th graders to meet in the sanctuary for the first part of the 10:30 service, then join our Junior Church. Child Care for children 0-3 is available at both services. Adult Sunday School classes meet in the lower level of the Sanctuary building.
If you are hesitant about joining us in person, we offer online services through Zoom and Facebook.

Get Connected
Choose how you would like to connect:
To Join by Computer:
Click Here For Zoom Link
To Join by Phone:
Dial either # below:
1-929-205 6099
**Listen for Instructions then input Meeting ID: 933 3149 1950#
To Join on Facebook:
Live at 8:30 and 10:30 AM
Click Here For FB Link
To Join in Person:
Our address is
110 W. North Street
Charles Town, WV 25414