February 2 Prayer Team Meeting
February 3 Missions Committee
February 4 Trustees
UMW Circle Meetings
February 5 Little Angels Open House
February 9 Staff Meeting
February 10 Finance Committee
February 11 Hospitality Committee
February 16 Chili cookoff
February 17 Church Council
February 23 SS “For God So Loved the World”
March 2 Prayer Team Meeting
March 6 Missions Committee
March 4 Trustees
March 5 Ash Wednesday
Evening Service at 7:00
March 7 First Sunday of Lent
March 9 Staff Meeting
March 10 Finance Committee
March 11 Hospitality Committee
March 13 Lenten Bible Study Begins
March 14-16 Hefzi-ba Pentecostal Revival
March 17 Church Council
Altar Guild
Cindy Nibert & Elizabeth Hostler
Asbury Sunday School
Chairperson: Carly Mriscin carlymriscin30@gmail.com
Asbury UMC Sunday School | Facebook
For more information, see below…
Asbury Youth Group
Youth Directors: Jarod & Angie Brown
Asbury Prayer Group
Chairperson: Kelly Pope kmcpope@gmail.com
Asbury Lay Servants
Faylee Wilt & Kelly DeRonda
Family Ministries
Chairperson: Krista Ports krista.ports@myasburychurch.org
Hospitality Committee
Chairperson: Marilyn White 719-633-6463
Music Ministry
Adult Choir: Timur Mustakimov, director
Bell Choir: Faylee Wilt, director fayleewilt@msn.com
Praise Team
Youth Dance Team: Krista Ports krista.ports@myasburychurch.org
Chairperson: Jody Ports joelports@yahoo.com
Chairperson: Cindy Wilson cwilson1024@outlook.com
Ushers & Greeters
Chairperson: Tracy Colburn tracycolburn@rocketmail.com
Worship Committee
Chairperson: Cheryl Cosner 304-728-3505
Christian Education At Asbury
Updated for 2024
Sunday School Superintendent: Carly Mriscin
Please email me to be added to our Facebook page
and email list for updates!
The following classes meet from 9:30-10:15 am each Sunday
Children’s Sunday School Classes located upstairs:
Pre-K Class led by Sarah Goss and Julie Fincham
Grades K-1 led by Rebecca and Peter Whitaker
Grades 2-3 led by Emily Podolskiy and Elaine Oliver
Grades 4-5 led by Anna Turner
Middle/High School Girls class led by Alice Hill located in the Creamery
Middle School boys class led by Tracy Colburn located in the Youth Room
High School boys class led by Nick Derrick and Jody Ports located
in room 116 in the basement
Women in the Word Sunday School Class
led by Kelley Pope located in the parlor
All women are welcome! kmcpope@gmail.com
YAF Class led by Faylee Wilt located in room 102
Wednesday Morning Bible Study
Held every Wednesday at 9:00am via Zoom. Contact Arlene Rose or
Pastor Jensen for more information. Zoom connection:
Meeting ID: 86995725609
Passcode: 212228